Source code for shapeways.client

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    from urllib.parse import urlencode, parse_qs
    from urllib import urlencode
    from urlparse import parse_qs

import json
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
import requests

[docs]class Client(object): """Api client for the Shapeways API The API uses OAuth v1 to authenticate clients, so the following steps must be used. 1. Create a client 2. Connect to API and get request token and authentication url 3. Send user to authentication url 4. Verify callback from authentication url Example: .. code:: python client = Client("key", "secret") url = client.connect() # redirect user to `url` # capture response url from authentication callback client.verify_url(response_url) # make api requests info = client.get_api_info() """ __slots__ = [ "base_url", "api_version", "consumer_key", "consumer_secret", "oauth_token", "oauth_secret", "oauth", "callback_url", ] def __init__( self, consumer_key, consumer_secret, callback_url=None, oauth_token=None, oauth_secret=None ): """Constructor for a new :class:`shapeways.client.Client` :param consumer_key: The API key for your app :type consumer_key: str :param consumer_secret: The API secret key for your app :type consumer_secret: str :param callback_url: The url that should be redirected to after successful authentication with Shapeways OAuth :type callback_url: str :param oauth_token: The OAuth token obtained from calls to connect/verify :type oauth_token: str :param oauth_secret: The OAuth secret obtained from calls to connect/verify :type oauth_secret: str """ self.consumer_key = consumer_key self.consumer_secret = consumer_secret self.callback_url = callback_url self.base_url = "" self.api_version = "v1" self.oauth_token = oauth_token self.oauth_secret = oauth_secret self.oauth = OAuth1( self.consumer_key, client_secret=consumer_secret, callback_uri=self.callback_url, resource_owner_key=self.oauth_token, resource_owner_secret=self.oauth_secret, )
[docs] def url(self, path): """Generate the full url for an API path .. code:: python client = Client("key", "secret") url = client.url("/api/") # "" :param path: The API path to get the url for :type path: str :returns: the full url to ``path`` :rtype: str """ if not path.startswith("/"): path = "/%s" % path if not path.endswith("/"): path += "/" return "%s%s%s" % (self.base_url, path, self.api_version)
[docs] def connect(self): """Get an OAuth request token and authentication url :returns: the authentication url that the user must visit or None on error :rtype: str or None """ response = url=self.url("/oauth1/request_token/"), auth=self.oauth ) data = parse_qs(response.text) self.oauth_secret = data.get("oauth_token_secret", [None])[0] return data.get("authentication_url", [None])[0]
[docs] def verify_url(self, url): """Parse parameters and properly call :meth:`shapeways.client.Client.verify` If you already have the ``oauth_token`` and ``oauth_verifier`` parameters parsed, use :meth:`shapeways.client.Client.verify` directly instead. :param url: The response url or query string from the authentication callback :type url: str """ url, _, qs = url.rpartition("?") data = parse_qs(qs) self.verify( data.get("oauth_token", [None])[0], data.get("oauth_verifier", [None])[0] )
[docs] def verify(self, oauth_token, oauth_verifier): """Get an access token and setup OAuth credentials for further use If you have the full url or query string from the authentication callback then you can use :meth:`shapeways.client.Client.verify_url` which will parse the correct parameters from the query string and call :meth:`shapeways.client.Client.verify` :param oauth_token: the ``oauth_token`` parameter from the authentication callback :type oauth_token: str :param oauth_verifier: the ``oauth_verifier`` parameter from the authentication callback :type oauth_verifier: str """ access_oauth = OAuth1( self.consumer_key, client_secret=self.consumer_secret, resource_owner_key=oauth_token, resource_owner_secret=self.oauth_secret, verifier=oauth_verifier ) response = url=self.url("/oauth1/access_token/"), auth=access_oauth ) data = parse_qs(response.text) self.oauth_token = data.get("oauth_token", [None])[0] self.oauth_secret = data.get("oauth_token_secret", [None])[0] self.oauth = OAuth1( self.consumer_key, client_secret=self.consumer_secret, resource_owner_key=self.oauth_token, resource_owner_secret=self.oauth_secret, )
def _get(self, path, params=None): """Fetch the results from an API GET call to ``path`` :param path: the api path to fetch e.g. ``/api/`` :type path: str :param params: dict of query string parameters to use :type params: dict or None :returns: the results from the api call :rtype: dict """ response = requests.get( url =self.url(path), auth=self.oauth, params=params ) return response.json() def _delete(self, url, params=None): """Fetch the results from an API DELETE call to ``path`` :param path: the api path to fetch e.g. ``/api/`` :type path: str :param params: dict of query string parameters to use :type params: dict or None :returns: the results from the api call :rtype: dict """ response = requests.delete( url=self.url(url), auth=self.oauth, params=params ) return response.json() def _post(self, url, body=None, params=None): """Fetch the results from an API POST call to ``path`` :param path: the api path to fetch e.g. ``/api/`` :type path: str :param body: the POST body to use :type body: str or None :param params: dict of query string parameters to use :type params: dict or None :returns: the results from the api call :rtype: dict """ response = url=self.url(url), auth=self.oauth, params=params, data=body ) return response.json() def _put(self, url, body=None, params=None): """Fetch the results from an API PUT call to ``path`` :param path: the api path to fetch e.g. ``/api/`` :type path: str :param body: the PUT body to use :type body: str or None :param params: dict of query string parameters to use :type params: dict or None :returns: the results from the api call :rtype: dict """ response = requests.put( url=self.url(url), auth=self.oauth, params=params, data=body ) return response.json()
[docs] def get_api_info(self): """Make an API call `GET /api/v1 <>`_ :returns: api info :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/api/")
[docs] def get_cart(self): """Make an API call `GET /orders/cart/v1 <>`_ :returns: items currently in the cart :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/orders/cart/")
[docs] def get_material(self, material_id): """Make an API call `GET /materials/{material_id}/v1 <>`_ :param material_id: the id of the material to fetch :type material_id: int :returns: specific materials info :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/materials/%s/" % material_id)
[docs] def get_materials(self): """Make an API call `GET /materials/v1 <>`_ :returns: information about all materials :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/materials/")
[docs] def get_models(self, page=None): """Make an API call `GET /models/v1 <>`_ :returns: information about all user's models :rtype: dict """ params = None if page is not None: params = { "page": int(page) } return self._get("/models/", params=params)
[docs] def get_model(self, model_id): """Make an API call `GET /models/{model_id}/v1 <>`_ :param model_id: the id of the model to fetch :type mode_id: int :returns: data for a specific model :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/models/%s/" % model_id)
[docs] def get_model_info(self, model_id): """Make an API call `GET /models/{model_id}/info/v1 <>`_ :param model_id: the id of the model to fetch :type mode_id: int :returns: information for a specific model :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/models/%s/info/" % model_id)
[docs] def delete_model(self, model_id): """Make an API call `DELETE /models/{model_id}/v1 <>`_ :param model_id: the id of the model to delete :type mode_id: int :returns: information whether or not it was successful :rtype: dict """ return self._delete("/models/%s/" % model_id)
[docs] def get_printers(self): """Make an API call `GET /printers/v1 <>`_ :returns: information about all printers :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/printers/")
[docs] def get_printer(self, printer_id): """Make an API call `GET /printers/{printer_id}/v1 <>`_ :param printer_id: the printer to fetch information for :type printer_id: int :returns: information about a specific printer :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/printers/%s/" % printer_id)
[docs] def get_categories(self): """Make an API call `GET /categories/v1 <>`_ :returns: information about all categories :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/categories/")
[docs] def get_category(self, category_id): """Make an API call `GET /categories/{category_id}/v1 <>`_ :param category_id: the category to fetch information for :type category_id: int :returns: information about a specific category :rtype: dict """ return self._get("/categories/%s/" % category_id)
[docs] def get_price(self, params): """Make an API call `POST /price/v1 <>`_ Required Parameters: 1. ``volume`` - float 2. ``area`` - float 3. ``xBoundMin`` - float 4. ``xBoundMax`` - float 5. ``yBoundMin`` - float 6. ``yBoundMax`` - float 7. ``zBoundMin`` - float 8. ``zBoundMax`` - float Optional Parameters: 1. ``materials`` - list :param params: dict of necessary parameters to make the api call :type params: dict :returns: pricing information for the ``params`` given :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`Exception` when any of the required parameters are missing """ required = [ "volume", "area", "xBoundMin", "xBoundMax", "yBoundMin", "yBoundMax", "zBoundMin", "zBoundMax" ] missing = [] for prop in required: if prop not in params: missing.append(prop) if missing: raise Exception("get_price missing required parameters: %r" % missing) return self._post("/price/", body=json.dumps(params))
[docs] def add_to_cart(self, params): """Make an API call `POST /orders/cart/v1 <>`_ Required Parameters: 1. ``modelId`` - int Optional Parameters: 1. ``materialId`` - int 2. ``quantity`` - int :param params: dict of necessary parameters to make the api call :type params: dict :returns: whether or not the call was successful :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`Exception` when the required parameter is missing """ if "modelId" not in params: raise Exception("add_to_cart missing required parameter ['modelId']") return self._post("/orders/cart/", body=json.dumps(params))
[docs] def add_model_file(self, model_id, params): """Make an API call `POST /models/{model_id}/files/v1 <>`_ Required Parameters: 1. ``file`` - str (the file data) 2. ``fileName`` - str 3. ``hasRightsToModel`` - bool 4. ``acceptTermsAndConditions`` - bool Optional Parameters: 1. ``uploadScale`` - float :param model_id: the id of the model to upload the file for :type model_id: int :param params: dict of necessary parameters to make the api call :type params: dict :returns: file upload information :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`Exception` when any of the required parameters are missing """ required = [ "file", "fileName", "hasRightsToModel", "acceptTermsAndConditions" ] missing = [] for prop in required: if prop not in params: missing.append(prop) if missing: raise Exception("add_model_file missing required parameters %r" % missing) return self._post( "/models/%s/files/" % model_id, body=json.dumps(params) )
[docs] def add_model_photo(self, model_id, params): """Make an API call `POST /models/{model_id}/photos/v1 <>`_ Required Parameters: 1. ``file`` - str (the file data) Optional Parameters: 1. ``title`` - str 2. ``description`` - str 3. ``materialId`` - int 4. ``isDefault`` - bool :param model_id: the id of the model to upload the photo for :type model_id: int :param params: dict of necessary parameters to make the api call :type params: dict :returns: photo upload information :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`Exception` when the required parameter is missing """ if "file" not in params: raise Exception("add_model_photo missing required parameter ['file']") return self._post( "/models/%s/photos/" % model_id, body=json.dumps(params) )
[docs] def get_model_file(self, model_id, file_version, include_file=False): """Make an API call `GET /models/{model_id}/files/{file_version}/v1 <>`_ :param model_id: the id of the model to get the file from :type model_id: int :param file_version: the file version of the file to fetch :type file_version: int :param include_file: whether or not to include the raw file data in the response :type include_file: bool :returns: the file information :rtype: dict """ params = { "file": int(include_file), } return self._get( "/models/%s/files/%s/" % (model_id, file_version), params=params )
[docs] def update_model_info(self, model_id, params): """Make an API call `PUT /models/{model_id}/info/v1 <>`_ Optional Parameters: 1. ``uploadScale`` - float 2. ``title`` - str 3. ``description`` - str 4. ``isPublic`` - bool 5. ``isForSale`` - bool 6. ``isDownloadable`` - bool 7. ``tags`` - list 8. ``materials`` - dict 9. ``defaultMaterialId`` - int 10. ``categories`` - list :param model_id: the id of the model to get the file from :type model_id: int :param params: dict of necessary parameters to make the api call :type params: dict :returns: the model information :rtype: dict """ return self._put( "/models/%s/info/" % model_id, body=json.dumps(params) )
[docs] def add_model(self, params): """Make an API call `POST /models/v1 <>`_ Required Parameters: 1. ``file`` - str (the file data) 2. ``fileName`` - str 3. ``hasRightsToModel`` - bool 4. ``acceptTermsAndConditions`` - bool Optional Parameters: 1. ``uploadScale`` - float 2. ``title`` - str 3. ``description`` - str 4. ``isPublic`` - bool 5. ``isForSale`` - bool 6. ``isDownloadable`` - bool 7. ``tags`` - list 8. ``materials`` - dict 9. ``defaultMaterialId`` - int 10. ``categories`` - list :param params: dict of necessary parameters to make the api call :type params: dict :returns: model upload information :rtype: dict :raises: :class:`Exception` when any of the required parameters are missing """ required = ["file", "fileName", "hasRightsToModel", "acceptTermsAndConditions"] missing = [] for prop in required: if prop not in params: missing.append(prop) if missing: raise Exception("add_model missing required parameters: %r" % missing) return self._post("/models/", body=json.dumps(params))